Shout out
19 Novembre 2018
The White Queen
4 Dicembre 2018When she was just a girl
she had high hopes
but she ended up being preached
that they could not be reached.
When she was just a girl
she had worthy aspirations,
but they faded away
because she became a kind of pray.
Although I don’t like numbers or percentages,
I think they can have a huge impact on people,
so be ready to face what you have always tried to avoid.
Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.
1 in 3 women around the world experience physical or sexual violence, mostly by an intimate partner. This makes it the most widespread, but among the least reported human rights abuses.
Worldwide, 38% of all women who have been murdered were murdered by their intimate partners.
Women may experience human rights violations that do not fall within the commonly understood definitions of violence. These violations may include, inter alia, forced and early marriages, female genital mutilation, honor killings, dowry-related violence, rape as a weapon of war, female infanticide, and enforced sterilization. Some forms of violence may be in response to governmental policies or laws, such as the one-child only policy in China, which has led to an increase in female infanticide.
4 out of 5 victims of human trafficking are girls.
Until recently, women in Saudi Arabia were not allowed to drive and are still discouraged from working jobs that would put them in contact with men. The unemployment rate is 33 percent for women, 7 percent for men.
At least 1000 honor killings occur in India and Pakistan each year.
Around the world, only 32 percent of all national parliamentarians are female.
Women with full-time jobs still earn only about 77 percent of their male counterparts’ earnings.
62 million girls are denied an education all over the world.
Women around the world aged 15-44 are more at risk from rape and domestic violence than from cancer, car accidents, war and malaria.
As a human being,
I feel disgusted
I feel furious.
As a woman
I feel disgusted
I feel furious.
I’ve always been told that I’m too young to face this problem,
that I don’t have any experience,
do I have to be assaulted to be able to speak about it?
do I have to be victim of any sort of injustice to have the right to feel angry?
I don’t want to live in a world where the percentage of women murdered ‘for honor’ is higher than any other cause of death,
where females are guilty if they wear sexy clothes.
I want my NO to be as loud as the one of a man
and be able to say what’s true or not about me.
If someone at the workplace ever harasses me
I don’t want to be told to shut up not to lose my job,
because all of it
is a deprivation of liberty.
More than 60 million girls don’t have the chance to go to school
and most of them are trapped in human trafficking
to please monsters.
Because studying would make them free
and they could not be so easy to abuse,
they’d be inconvenient elements.
Also, in terms of achievement , women have surpassed men in most of the industrialized countries,
maybe that’s what makes them scared.
Lots of young girls are put into early marriages
and most of the times they have never seen their future husband before.
Sometimes I think how the life of these girls might be,
how much they suffer for choices someone else has made.
If only they were men,
I wonder if they ever think about it.
Nowadays, especially in Europe and North America,
women are taught how to defend and react to gender inequality and violence,
what if we thought some men how to control themselves?
Would it be better?
I am women,
I am a girl,
but firstly I am a human being.
All the women who were killed,
who have been abused,
who still suffer
who have ever been victim of gender inequality,
are human beings.
And if we have something called Human Rights
it’s valid for everyone,
every time,
in every situation.
”Gender inquility” to me weman are violated around the world which can never be denied. But when we speak about ‘human discrimination’ is applied to all both men and women… Prove me wrong and I will ask why those this ever exist ‘all men are equal but some are more equal than others’ this a controversial quote on policy made today around the world.
It’s a sort of paradox actually, we are supposed to be all equal but some aspects of our laws themselves prove the opposite.
Reaching gender equality still requires time because it’s part of our culture somehow and most of the times we aren’t even aware of it ( and of course is wrong).
Getting to avoid violence and discrimination is the first step of a long way to go, but a change has been made and is still in progress because these forms of inequality are way more evident.