There’s who wants to leave desperately

The Fugitive
4 Ottobre 2018
Can you spare a penny for my thoughts?
19 Ottobre 2018To start again
Escaping from every sort of guarantee.
There’s who wants to stop
In need of steadiness
A desperate getaway
or a forthcoming stop,
just looking for an aim.
Willing to leave everything behind
or taking every chance to hang on stability.
Passengers of a flight
of an unknown destination,
Hosts and guests of life itself
just waiting for things to disappear
or to welcome.
Flying among clouds of chances
and a wind of events,
but too scared of facing them all;
stuck behind a tiny window
without musing on anything.
Inconsistent and coward,
but still passengers.
So life passes by,
sunsets will change their colors
storms will chase after
and some will never leave their seat.
Ordinarily lived.
Easily forgotten.
Do you really want it to be your description?
1 Comment
Hmm very funny